Common causes and triggers of autoimmunity.


Disrupted microbiome.

Dysregulated microbiome and poor gut integrity (leaky gut) increase inflammation and allow pathogenic bacteria to enter the body further triggering an immune response.

Food intolerances & sensitivities.


The body mounts and immune response when it receives foods which it perceives as being ‘foreign bodies’.



Chronic stress leads to desensitisation to the body’s natural anti-inflammatory chemistry and a loss of immune regulation.

Environmental toxins.


Exposure to environmental toxins, pollens, moulds perceived by the body to be ‘foreign’ drive inflammatory response and immune dysregulation.

Chronic inflammation.


Unresolved inflammation diminishes the the first line or ‘innate’ immune response, allowing infections and pathogenic burden on the body to increase.



The body creates inflammation in order to deal with infection and should turn off inflammation once the infection is resolved. In some auto-immunity the body is unable to turn off inflammation.

Working with a practitioner to identify and address causes, triggers and drivers of your autoimmunity can be the first step to restoring health. Talk to me about how you can rebalance inflammation and restore a healthy immune response.