Current scientific research on the efficacy of nutritional interventions.

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
Albert Einstein

Gut Microbes, Volume 15, 2023

The dysregulation of the endocannabinoid system by linoleic acid found in vegetable oils such as sunflower, safflower, soybean, corn, and canola oils as well as nuts and seeds. Click here to read full article.

European Journal of Nutrition.

This recent research paper outlines the role of specific nutrients in the successful maintenance of remission of Crohn’s Disease. Click here to read the full article.

Scientific paper about plant-based diet and Crohn's disease remission

Case study.

This case study examines the efficacy of a plant-based diet in promoting and maintaining remission in a young man with Crohn’s disease. Read full report here.

Scientific paper about western diet v. mediterranean diet in disease processes

Review: Western Diet V Mediterranean Diet.

This review from Tomasello et al. examines low fibre diets and their effect on the Microbiome and its relation to inflammatory bowel disease. Read the full article here.

Review: Flexitarian Diets and Health.

This review from 2017 looks at the health benefits associated with a predominantly plant-based diet including weight loss, improved blood pressure, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes as well as the treatment of IBD such as Crohn’s. Read the full article here.

Scientific paper about gut microbiome and patients with Crohn's disease

Study: Diet patterns and gut microbiome.

Clinical intervention using a Mediterranean Diet to successfully promote more diverse microbiome in Crohn’s patients in remission. Read the full article here.

Study: Transferring the Blues.

This study looked at what happened when the gut microbiome from a bunch of depressed patients was transferred to rats. The rats got depressed! Totally fascinating. Read the full article.

Article: Westernised Diet is seen as the most significant factor in triggering IBD.

This paper examines the role of the Western diet in the increasing numbers of IBD cases. Read the full article.

Review: The role of a plant-based diet in the management of IBD.

This paper looks at the correlation between a western diet and IBD in developed and wealthier countries and the favourable shift in gut microbiota induced by a plant-based diet. Read the full article.


Review: Therapeutic implications of diet in IBD.

Concludes there is therapeutic potential for the Mediterranean and Vegan/Vegetarian diets as well as fasting in IBD, but asks for more rigorous randomised trials to be conducted. Amen to that. Read the full study here.


Articles from Nutrients 2020 May.

Article exploring the benefits of nutritional interventions as therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Read the full article here.

Review: The Impact of Dietary Fibre on Gut Microbiota in Host Health and Disease.

This review, we will focuses on dietary fibres, how they interact with gut microbes and lead to the production of key metabolites such as short-chain fatty acids, and discusses how dietary fibre impacts gut microbial ecology, host physiology, and health. Click for full article.

Review: The role of short-chain fatty acids

This review looks at the potential for short chain fatty acids to directly influence psychological functioning. Read full article.

Review: The influence exercise has on the microbiome.

This review explores the positive effect that aerobic exercise has on the diversity and abundance of microbes of gut microbiome and the positive effect this has on the gut-brain connection.

Review: How Microbiota and Host Inflammasome Influence Brain Physiology and Pathology

This review highlights the profound effect that gut microbiota has over the biology of the brain.