Pesto any way.

Pesto is a great thing to have in the fridge and eaten on toast, in a soup or salad or on pasta. It’s really quick to make and is a good way to avoid wasting excess green leafy veggies. It’s also SO good for you.


makes about 200ml

  • 50g nuts e.g. pine nuts, almonds, walnuts or cashews, or ground almonds, or breadcrumbs

  • 50g bunch of greens e.g. basil, parsley, rocket, watercress, kale (use only the leaves, discard stems)

  • 1-2 garlic cloves, chopped

  • 35g finely grated Parmesan or other mature hard cheese or nutritional yeast if you are totally plant based

  • About 100ml extra virgin olive oil

  • A good squeeze of lemon juice

  • A few twists of ground black pepper



  • Toast the nuts/breadcrumbs for about 5-10 min on a baking tray in the oven at 80°C/gas 4. Leave to cool.

  • Put the toasted nuts or breadcrumbs, into a food processor, along with the greens of your choice, garlic and grated cheese or nutritional yeast. Blitz to a paste, making sure all the nuts are ground finely. Then, with the motor running, slowly pour in the oil until you have a thick, sloppy purée. This should be about 100ml.

  • Transfer to a bowl or jar and season with the lemon and black pepper and perhaps a pinch of salt.

  • Serve any way you like.