The Gut Microbiome.

Aka gut flora, microbiota, intestinal flora, gut bacteria.

What the microbiome does for you.

There are somewhere in the region of 100 trillion microorganisms in the body, about 95% of which are found in the digestive tract. These bacteria have a whole range of functions, from killing pathogens, and maintaining the gut lining to digesting our foods. They play a key role in our immune function and our brain chemistry as well as helping us to maintain a healthy weight.

How nutrition can influence the microbiome.

Very simply, you want to make sure the good bacteria outnumber the bad bacteria. An imbalanced microbiome can lead to bloating, IBS symptoms, brain fog, bad brain chemistry, poor concentration, skin complaints, weight gain and autoimmunity. There is a lot that we can do to feed the good bacteria and make sure they flourish. If you suspect that you may have imbalance you can work with me to find out what is going on and regain balance.


Fermented foods are one way of reintroducing good bacteria. Click here for Rachel de Thample’s Kombucha recipe.