Make this your lunch every day and you’ll be on your way to better health.

Mix it up as much as possible for maximum benefit


Step 1.

Start with some healthy whole grains (2/3 of a cup) e.g. quinoa, buck wheat, brown rice, millet or barley. You can batch cook these ahead of time.

Radishes and carrots

Step 2 .

Add 2-3 vegetables. Aim for variety of colour, each colour has its own phytochemicals (plant chemicals) which are really beneficial for the body. Try carrots, radish, mange tout, tomato, red pepper, red cabbage and Brussel sprouts.

Step 3.

Add some protein. This could be lentils, chickpeas, beans, eggs, fish, chicken.

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach

Step 4.

Add a big handful of green leaves like spinach, rocket, kale or cavolo nero.

Bowl of sunflower seeds

Step 5.

Sprinkle with nuts and seeds (1 tablespoon). Grind them in a coffee grinder to release their magic properties.

A cup of extra virgin olive oil with sage, rosemary, garlic and oregano

Step 6.

Add a dressing. Drizzle a really good olive oil or add lemon juice (or both!). Try tahini or yogurt.


To finish.

Add in fresh herbs and spices of your choice. Try a 1/4 tsp of turmeric, some pressed ginger, freshly chopped parsley or sprigs of mint. You’ll add in flavour while boosting the health benefits of the dish.

Enjoy !

Source: adapted from Jones, A. (2015). A Modern Way to Cook. London: Fourth Estate. p 46-47