Why is your body misbehaving?
Autoimmune diseases are on the rise in the developed world, with over 80 conditions now classified as auto-immune, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Celiac Disease being amongst the most common, and also including Crohn’s and Muscular Sclerosis. Conventional treatment often doesn’t bring relief. Causes and triggers vary from person to person and it is a practitioner’s job to dig deep to find out the underlying issues for each individual.
An autoimmune disease doesn’t necessarily mean a life of chronic illness. In this blog I outline my key elements for healing autoimmunity. For each person there are reasons which need to be identified and can then be addressed.
Blog post: 8 Ways to Fight Inflammation Naturally
More and more people live with chronic inflammation because the body is constantly being bombarded by so many external factors which the body deems ‘suspect’. Add in poor nutrition, decreased immunity due to stress and lack of sleep and the body cannot completely resolve the situation, struggling on with low-grade infection and ongoing (chronic) inflammation. Find out how you can dampen the fire.
Certain foods and lifestyle choices increase inflammation and others work to dampen it. In autoimmunity it’s vital that you live in a way which pushes the body away from inflammation. Check out what you can do here…..
Autoimmunity: why is your body misbehaving?
Identifying these causes or triggers and addressing them is the first step towards better disease outcomes. Working with a practitioner enables you to explore, identify and then re-balance. Common causes and triggers of auto-immunity: